Cash Prices posted are an indication only and subject to change. We do not accept sales through text or email. Please call our office for binding price quotes.
Elevator Services
Give us a call for 2024 and 2025 crop prices!
Wearealwayshappytoanswerquestionsandassistyou in marketing your grain. Ask us about future contracts, basis contracts and target price options.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of our customers. The sun is not shining and the wind isn't blowing all the snow around so this is perhaps the calm before the weekend storms. A great winter so far for everyone who likes winter sports and snowmobiles!
Note: Markets are CLOSED on Monday, February 17th due to President's Day in the US. Trading will resume overnight into Tuesday.
Markets up overnight. Tuesday's report was uneventful and left most numbers unchanged from the previous report. A lot of uncertainty is still in the air. Blend out the noise and focus on your numbers. If you know your costs, then you know what will be profitable for your operation. Take advantage of the ups and down, have some targets working and get the first bushel of your 2025 crop on the books. Work on your 5 step plan and focus on profitability.
Call anytime to discuss your marketing strategies, we are happy to help!