Cash Prices posted are an indication only and subject to change. We do not accept sales through text or email. Please call our office for binding price quotes.
Elevator Services
Give us a call for 2024 and 2025 crop prices!
Wearealwayshappytoanswerquestionsandassistyou in marketing your grain. Ask us about future contracts, basis contracts and target price options.
Elevator Talks
Thanksgiving Weekend
We are open all weekend if combines can run, but we will close for Thanksgiving dinner if combines get rained out. Please keep us in the loop about your harvest plans. Check the website for updates, call or text.
Please note: Markets are open on Monday, October 14th and you can reach us via phone to make sales or contracts during trading hours.
Soybeans in the bin and wheat growing in the field means crops to market. It is easy to lose track of the market during the hustle and bustle of harvest and planting. Know your number and have a few targets working while you are busy in the field. Target orders are FREE and work on your behalf 18 hours a day to help catch opportunities when they occur. Don't wait until you have to react, act while you are in control.
Give us a call to talk about pricing strategies. We are happy to assist!