Where Every Kernel Counts!



4931 3rd Line
Tottenham, ON  L0G 1W0

Phone: (905) 939-7494
E-mail: office@dunkerronelevators.ca

A little bit of history:
Dunkerron Elevators’ history began when the Wienecke Family moved to the Tottenham area in 1964 and started a successful swine operation. Over the years the animals left, and focus shifted towards growing good quality, high yielding crops. In 1989 the company incorporated and became a licensed grain dealer. Since then, bins and buildings have been added, grain storage space has expanded, elevation and handling systems have been upgraded, the truck fleet has grown, and many people have contributed to the growth of our company. Growing crops, grain merchandising and distribution of grain is our core business.

Our goal is to provide the highest quality of customer service and value in effort to strengthen our customers, company, and agricultural community. We strive to connect the supply of grain from the local country elevator to meet the needs of our end-use customers and buyers.
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